eHrvatska Narodna Citaonica
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Ozujak 2009. - Novine Danasnjice - Intervju sa veleposlanikom SAD u BiH

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Ozujak 2009. - Novine Danasnjice - Intervju sa veleposlanikom SAD u BiH Empty Ozujak 2009. - Novine Danasnjice - Intervju sa veleposlanikom SAD u BiH

Postaj  Johny Stulic 1/5/2009, 12:20

Novine Danasnjice - Intervju sa veleposlanikom SAD u BiH

Danas ćete imati priliku čitati intervju s veleposlanikom SAD u BiH.
Ovaj članak bih htio iskoristiti i kao najavu da su novine Današnjice prešle u internacionalu. Naime o čemu vam želim reć a to je da će od sad Novine Današnjice objavljivat svoje članke i u eHrvatskoj i u eBiH.

Sad vas prepuštam da čitate intervju s veleposlanikom huskerguy77.

Ovaj intervju možete pročitati i na stranici Novina Danasnjice tako što kliknete - OVDJE.


Osjećam se počašćeno biti intervjuiran. Najbolje što mogu ću vam odgovorit na pitanja.

1. Opisite sebe i vasu poziciju.

U pravom životu, ja sam građanin Nebraske, SAD. U eRepubliku sam isto tako građanin SAD. Trenutačno radim za Stronghold Industries u naftnom odjelu, i član sam eSAD Nacionalne garde. Isto tako sam član državnog odjela od veljače pa i sad. Moje dužnosti su da budem veleposlanik SAD u Kanadi i veleposlanik SAD u Bosni i Hercegovini. Te pozicije doživljavam ozbiljno zato jer imam veliki interes u stranoj politici i diplomaciji. Još sam i potencijalni kongresman za travanjske izbore.


I feel honored to be interviewed. I will do the best of my ability to answer your questions.

1: Describe yourself and your position.

A: In real life, I am a citizen of Nebraska, US. In eRepublik, I am also a citizen of the United States. Currently I am working an oil job for Stronghold Industries and I'm a member of the eUSA National Guard. I have also been a member of the State Department since February. My duties there are being the US ambassador to Canada and being the US ambassador to Bosnia & Herzegovina (BiH). I take these positions very seriously because I have strong interest in foreign policy and diplomacy. I am also a potential congressman for the April elections.

2. Koliko dugo igrate eRepublik?

Pa počeo sam u početku siječnja 2009, znači oko 3-4 mjeseca. Imao sam nekoliko dobrih iskustava , putovao sam u Španjolsku i borio se u ratovima.

2: How long have you been playing the game?

A: I started eRepublik in the beginning of January 2009, so around 3-4 months. I've had some good experiences, traveled to Spain and have fought in wars.

3. Koja su vam dostignuca u vasoj zemlji?

Pa ja sam nov i tako napredujem, Bio sam sretan kad sam bio prihvaćen za veleposlanika u Kanadi u Veljači. Za vrijeme mojeg postojanja tamo, pojačao sam odnose, pregovarao za pomoć i asistirao u obrani političkog takeovera u Kanadi. Trenutačno radim na nekim povjerljivim projektima , ali namjeravam napravit sporazum sličan NAFTA sporazumu između SAD i Kanade. Isto tako sam se borio u Meksiko-Američkom ratu i imao interesa u poslovnom svijetu,

3: What are your achievements in your country?

A: Well, I'm somewhat new and am progressing. I was very pleased that I was accepted as ambassador to Canada in February. During my post there, I have increased relations significantly, negotiated for aid and have assisted in defeating a political takeover in Canada. I am currently working on some confidential projects, but have been attempting to create a NAFTA like agreement between the US and Canada. I also fought in the Mexico-American war and have invested in a business.

4. Kako vidite buducnost Hrvatske,Bosne i Hercegovine,Srbije i ostalih zemalja u regiji?

Ovo istočno europsko područje je puno geopolitičkih pobačaja. Tu su zemlje Rumunjske, Hrvatske, BiH, Srbije, Slovenije, Slovačke i Mađarske.Sve te zemlje su različite kulture i to je razlog zašto je ovo područje sačinjeno od tako puno zemalja.

Po mojem mišljenju je to da je ovo Istočno Europsko područje postaje jako važno područje u eRepubliku. To je zato jer PEACE i Mađarska su željne progresa. Rumunjska isto tako može poželit da osvoji još susjedskog teritorija. Hrvatska se razvija neprestano i pridružila se ATLANTIS-u. Slovačka, Srbija i Slovenija isto rade na jačini svoje države.

Mislim da pošto su te države manje ostale države će ih htjeti okupirati. Ove Istočno Europske države zavređuju i borit će se za svoju samostalnost. Ako bi se te države ujedinile s internacionalnom pomoći bi mogle pobjedit bilokojeg agresora.

4. How do you see the future of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and other countries in the area?

A: This Eastern European area is full of a variety of geopolitical faults. There is the state of Romania, Croatia, BiH, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Hungary. All of these countries have different cultures which is one reason why the area consists of several different states.
In my opinion, this Eastern European area will become an important area in eRepublik. This is because PEACE and Hungary are eager to expand. Romania also may possibly want to conquer more of the neighboring territories. Croatia, is developing rapidly and has joined ATLANTIS. Slovakia, Serbia and Slovenia are also developing and strengthening their countries.

I believe that since these countries are smaller, other countries may want to capture them. These Eastern European countries deserve and will fight to remain independent. If these countries unite, with international aid, they can remain sovereign and defeat any aggressors.

In summary, I believe that these nations will play a large role in this area. Conflict may occur, but I believe that these countries will remain free.

5. Tko je vas omiljen političar u BiH do sad?

Pa nisam dugo u eBiH tako da neznam ljude dost dobro. Moji najdraži političari bi bili Friend Freeman ili Eronet. Oboje su bili od velike pomoći. Friend Freeman, trenutačni neslužbeni ministar obrane eBiH mi je puno pomogao. Imao sam priliku razgovarati s njim o budućnosti eBiH. Oboje smo se složili oko nekoliko stranačkih politika i vjerujem da će ovaj čovjek svojim iskustvom i znanjem pomoći uspjehu eBiH.

5. Who is your favorite politician in BiH so far?

A: Well, I haven’t been in BiH to long, so I don’t know everyone to well. However, my favorite politician is either Friend Freeman or Eronet. Both of these gentlemen have been of great assistance.

Friend Freeman, the current unofficial Minister of Defense, has been of much help to me. I have had the opportunity to discuss with him about BiH’s future. We both agreed about several foreign policies and I believe that this man has the experience and knowledge to help BiH succeed.
Eronet has also been a great helper. This presidential candidate has discussed with me about what he plans to do to stabilize and secure the BiH. I agree with many of his policies and believe that he will do a great job at leading the BiH if elected.

6. Zasto SAD nema veleposlanstvo u Hrvatskoj?

SAD nema veleposlanstvo u Hrvatskoj jer nažalost državni odjel SAD ima nedovoljan broj ljudi. Npr. tu su 15 zemalja u kojima SAD nije poslao veleposlanike. SAD bi htio imat veleposlanikau svakoj državi al nema dovoljno ljudi.

Iako, CIA skuplja podatke o svakoj državi tako da ne vjerujem da su Hrvatska i ostale zemlje ignorirane od strane SAD.

6. Why doesn’t the USA have an embassy in Croatia?

A: The USA doesn’t have an embassy in Croatia because unfortunately the US State Department is undermanned. For example, there are currently 15 countries that the US isn’t able to send an ambassador to. The US would want to have representation in every country, but doesn’t have the manpower.

However, the CIA keeps records on every country so do not believe that Croatia and other countries are being ignored by the US.

7. Osim politike, koje su ostale stvari koje radite u eRepubliku?

Pa poltika je vrlo interesantna meni. Iako kad ne govorim s strancima i ne slušam kongres, pišem članke i upravljam svojom kompanijom. Imam interesa i posjedujem oko 20% Heartland Enterprises i pružam savjet ostalim vlasnicima.

7. Besides politics, what other things do you do in eRepublik?

A: Well, politics are very interesting to me. However, when I’m not speaking to foreigners or listening to Congress, I have been writing for my articles and partly managing my company. I have invested and own around 20% of Heartland Enterprises and provide advice to the other managers.

8. Zašto ste odabrali bas BiH?

Kako i znate, ja sam tražio veleposlanstvo u BiH. Htio sam prikupiti što više iskustva kako bi mi to pomoglo da pobijedim u kongresnim izborima. Isto tako mi je zabavno bit veleposlanik.
Na kraju izabrao sam BiH zbog 2 razloga. Prvi je jer sam htio pomoći novoj državi da se digne na noge i pružit joj savjet kako bi ojačala tako da bi bila jaka i u budućnosti. Drugo je, htio sam služit u državi Istočne Europe, zato jer sam to objasnio i malorpije, tu će bit nekoliko događaja.

8. Why did you choose to serve in BiH?

A: As you may know, I requested to also serve in the BiH. I wanted to serve in another country, because I wanted to gain more experience to help me win my congress elections. I also have fun as an ambassador.

In the end, I chose the BiH because of two reasons. First, I wanted to help a new country get off its back onto its feet and provide advice to help strengthen it so it’s successful and stabile in the future. Secondly, I wanted to serve in an Eastern European country, because as I explained earlier, there will be several events here.

9. Imate li koji komentar?

Ponosam sam biti dio ovog intervjua. Mislim da je super što su mediji BiH ovakvi. Planiram uspješno služit u BiH i nadam se da će BiH ostat samostalno i sretno. Ako imate neka pitanja slobodno mi pošaljite poruku.

9. Any other comments?

A: I am proud to being part of this interview. I think that it’s great that the BiH has media like this. I plan on successfully serving in the BiH and hope that the BiH remains independent and happy. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.

Vaš Elessar1977

Johny Stulic

Broj postova : 289
Join date : 18.04.2009

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